How to Choose a Kitchen Sink

We start this conversation, assuming that you already know your measurements and the sink size that fits your cabinet. If you don’t have this information, we encourage you to visit our blog on how to measure your kitchen sink.

Choosing a kitchen sink should never be just about finding something that simply fits. While measurements define the sink size, your lifestyle, the theme you want to capture, and preferences should all weigh heavily in this decision. For many of us, we don’t buy new sinks with the same frequency we buy shoes, IPhones or cars and so we enter this decision without much experience.

Though this is an infrequent decision, it is essential to remember that you will use your sink multiple times a day for a variety of chores. With this high rate of interaction, frustration over choosing the wrong sink can quickly build.

You may not have a lot of experience with buying sinks, but you have plenty of experience with using kitchen sinks. You know what worked, what didn’t work, and what you hated about previous sinks. Here is where you start considering the functionality of the sink and how it aligns with your lifestyle.

Functionality Of A Sink

Do you prefer a single or double bowl sink?

When it comes to functionality, this is a decision of personal preference and one that applies specifically to your lifestyle. For those of us who rarely cook or entertain, this aspect of the decision becomes quite simple. However, if you cook a lot or entertain often, then you wage a constant battle against dirty dishes. If you’re a multi-tasker, you may want to soak vegetables, pacifiers, or greasy pans and still not lose access to your kitchen sink.

When considering functionality, you will need to determine if you need a single or double bowl kitchen sink. Consider your previous sinks, did they align with your needs? Was a double dowl sink too small to wash your larger items, or did you find that a single bowl sink full of suds and dirty dishes prevented you from using your sink?

If a double bowl sink meets your needs, you should consider the variety of double bowl configurations. Equal bowls give you two bowls of the same size, while an off-set design results in one significantly larger bowl.

Aligning your lifestyle and preferences to your kitchen will prevent you from finding yourself frustrated by limitations based on the shape of your sink.

Form or Function

Radius options dramatically change the appearance of your sink

Do you prefer the ease of cleaning or style when it comes to your kitchen sink? Standard sinks are easy to clean. With gradual corners, the design of these sinks prevents water from pooling and requires minimal effort to rinse out the basin. If you’re looking to maximize usable space or your theme calls for a modern look, then you should consider our various radius options.

Sinks with a zero radius or radius 15 have tighter corners and an additional inch of depth. The design ensures that these sinks will stand out by giving your kitchen a professional or commercial look though they require additional efforts for upkeep and cleaning.

If you’re looking for a compromise, consider sinks with a corner radius of 25. Kitchen sinks with this radius offer a uniquely different style while maintaining a design that is easier to clean.

Depth Requirements

What sink depth do you need for your cabinet or project scope?

There are a few considerations that go into selecting the depth of the sink. For those unsure about the definition of depth, it is simply the measure from the rim of the sink to the drain. For most, there is rarely a difficult decision regarding depth, as most cabinets and plumbing configurations will allow for a sink that measures 6 to 10 inches in depth.

If your project calls for an ADA-compliant fixture, then depth certainly becomes a major consideration. Staying compliant with ADA-requirements calls for a sink that is less than 6 inches in depth. At Allora USA we offer ADA variants of our most popular models.

Plumbing and cabinet space at times can limit your choices as they may not accommodate a standard 9-inch depth sink, though you don’t need an ADA kitchen sink. If you’re struggling with space limitations consider an undermount with 7-inch depth or a topmount 8-inch deep sink.

Start Shopping

With your measurements in hand, your preferences in mind, and depth considerations figure out, we invite you to start shopping for your perfect sink today.

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